1. 5/2/00 - Called Donna Horton 9:15 p.m. Spoke about information to represent TGBF (The Glenda Barrett Fund)
2. 5/4/00 - Received materials from Donna Cookbook cover letterm, annual picnic flier, (in August) logo info
3. 5/5/00 - Called Alan Bennett -Meeting set up to discuss web page -- St. Joe's participation, expectations for web site. GOALS 1. to make people more aware of Kidney disease 2. to assist people with Kidney disease to find other people for information about doctors medications, and self help groups. 3. to raise funds for TGBF (Monies raised are used for dialysis patients only) 4. To find new options - modes of raising funds for patients through meetings or social events.
May 7, 2000